This examination is not free of charge. The amount for this is about 40,- Euro. This examination can be performed by any family doctor, but it is also possible at our clinic. A referral to the family doctor is not necessary for this.

Yes. We ask for your understanding that we generally request a deposit before any major treatment section. The respective deposit amounts can be seen in your treatment plan or will be communicated to you accordingly when you make your appointment.

This must be decided on an individual basis and depends on both your own condition and the size of your procedure. In the event that you are physically unable to travel alone and the procedure is very long, we would definitely recommend bringing a companion. This can then support and supervise you.

In this case, please always bring an accompanying person. The anesthesia may affect your ability to drive for hours after the procedure. Therefore, we always recommend staying in a hotel for a few days. You should rest completely one day before until at least 4 days after the procedure and avoid any stress and exertion.

If you like, we can give you some material from your NICO* and put it in a saline or alcohol solution. However, here in Europe we do not have the possibility to have the samples from DNA CONNEXIONS tested for pathogens such as Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonellia, etc., because the laboratory in the USA requires a frozen sample, which is not possible due to the distance. * The described topic or the mentioned procedure are subject of numerous studies, which support our view. However, we would like to point out that scientific proof of efficacy and official recognition are currently still pending.
Of course! When you leave MEDIDENT BAVARIA® after the impression appointment, you are immediately 100% operational and can return to work or take a vacation until the cementation appointment, as this is not a surgical procedure.
In principle, yes, but we recommend this only in individual cases. At the time when another dentist begins to fabricate the final crowns on healed implants, he recognizes that the implants are perfectly osseointegrated. Otherwise, he would not be allowed to fabricate crowns on the implants. Thus, the dentist assumes the entire responsibility for the functioning of the implant + crown unit. However, if the crowns have tension or are too high, they can destroy or loosen the well-healed implants again. In this case, there will always be discussions about who is responsible for the failure, even if this is quite clearly regulated (see above). We therefore recommend that you also have the final crowns fabricated by MEDIDENT BAVARIA® Dr. Neubauer so that the entire responsibility is in one hand. If you wish to have the final crowns made by another dentist, he or she should at least have completed training according to THE SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT.

Do not walk or exercise for the first three days. You need to relax, you may listen to music, read books or even meditate. You should not read or watch the news and also refrain from yoga.

Please also speak as little as possible so that the wound is not irritated. Otherwise, the suture may open or more severe swelling may occur.

It depends on what ensures the most pleasant treatment process for you personally. Most of our patients do not require sedation or anesthesia.

Anesthetics ALWAYS test negative, no matter which one you use. Therefore, it makes no sense whatsoever to test them. Anesthetics are a necessary evil to be able to treat the patient. However, the anesthetics are broken down or excreted again within a very short time. In 15 years we have not experienced any complication with the anesthetic we use (Ultracain Forte = active ingredient articaine).