Medical issues

The implants are made of the high-performance ceramic zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), are 100% metal-free and biocompatible, have no free electrons and therefore no bonding sites. The melting point is 2,400 °C and the material is harder and more stable than steel. You can find more information here: Ceramic implants
If you like, we can give you some material from your NICO* and put it in a saline or alcohol solution. However, here in Europe we do not have the possibility to have the samples from DNA CONNEXIONS tested for pathogens such as Borrelia, Babesia, Bartonellia, etc., because the laboratory in the USA requires a frozen sample, which is not possible due to the distance. * The described topic or the mentioned procedure are subject of numerous studies, which support our view. However, we would like to point out that scientific proof of efficacy and official recognition are currently still pending.
In this case, it is always necessary to consult with the attending general practitioner.
Immediate placement of the implant directly after tooth extraction is possible in the vast majority of cases and is also what we strive for, as this is the ideal time for implant placement. However, it is ultimately the individual clinical situation after tooth removal that decides.
Betaisodona mouth rinse should be used for one week.
Yes, we work with an experienced anesthesiologist and can perform these treatments in our office by appointment.